
If the best quality, outstanding precision and pure luxury have a name in the world of watches, it must undoubtedly be Rolex. The five-pointed crown stands for itself and has established itself as a symbol of high-quality timepieces of the highest class. From highly functional sports watches to expressive dress watches to delicate ladies' watches, the Rolex product range includes everything that fascinates the discerning watch lover. The high recognition value of the ROLEX helps to give the wearer its own aura of authenticity and originality. The archetypal nature of its history. Its lasting value and the heirloom charm. Anyone who wears a ROLEX has cash on their wrist. Rare models in particular can multiply their purchase price over the years. At HORANDO, original, authenticated and certified Rolex models always have a permanent place in the large range.

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Aktuell verfügbare Rolex Uhren

1 product
Rolex Cosmograph Daytona
Rolex Cosmograph Daytona
41.800,00 €

Jahr: 2024


Buy ROLEX watches online at HORANDO

When the best quality, outstanding precision and pure luxury in the watch world
have a name, it must undoubtedly be Rolex.

Our most popular models


Cosmograph Daytona

Kaum eine andere Uhr steht für Geschwindigkeit und ist der ultimative Maßstab für Rennsportbegeisterte sowie die Ikone unter den Chronographen. Es bedarf keiner großen Erklärung – wir sprechen über die Rolex Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona, die erst im Jahr 2013 ihr 50 Jähriges Jubiläum feierte.

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Datejust 36

Alterslos scheint sie zu sein, immer mit einem frischen verheißungsvollen Lächeln auf der bezaubernden Lünette. Seit 100 Jahren lässt die noble Schöne aus dem Schweizerischen Genf/Biel die Herzen aller derer höher schlagen, die Stil für ein Lebensprinzip halten.

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GMT Master II

Bei aller Bewunderung für den edlen Look kann die GMT-Master II nicht verhehlen, dass sie eine Funktionsuhr geblieben ist, die den täglichen Gebrauch nicht scheut. Sicherlich muss ihr Träger nicht zwangsläufig Pilot einer Verkehrs- oder Privatmaschine sein, aber ein wenig Lust auf Höhenflüge kann nicht schaden.

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Auf der Basler Uhrenmesse 1954 war die Sensation komplett: Alle Aufmerksamkeit zog eine Armbanduhr mit schwarzem Ziffernblatt und leuchtenden Ziffern, Zeigern, Sekundenzählern, einer griffigen Drehlünette, kratzfestem Saphirglas und einer doppelt gesicherten Twinlock-Krone auf sich: Die Rolex Submariner - "The Diver's friend."

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Rolex: Die Königin unter den Uhrenmarken

Egal ob Uhrenkenner, neugieriger Einsteiger oder absoluter Laie: Die Marke Rolexist wirklich jedermann ein Begriff. Angesichts der gewaltigen Bekanntheit, die die Schweizer Manufaktur seit Jahrzehnten genießt, müsste man sichvermutlichreichlich Mühe geben, um überhaupteinen Menschen zu finden, der noch nie etwas von Rolex gehört hat.

Das große Renommeedesnamhaften Herstellers kommtdabei nicht von ungefähr: Die Geschichte des Unternehmensist gespickt von kleinen Momenten und großen Ideen, dieder Königin der Uhrenmarken in der Retrospektive den Wegandie Spitze der Uhrenbranche geebnet haben.

The beginning of an incomparable story

In 1905, when no one could have known that luxury wristwatches would one day be considered common, sought-after accessories and investment objects, a visionary decided to take a risk. We are, of course, talking about Hans Wilsdorf, the man without whom Rolex would never have existed. He founded what was initially a small watch sales business in London and began producing solid mechanical stainless steel models for the wrist. At a time when pocket watches were fashionable and wristwatches were anything but common, this was an undertaking that required vision and a spirit of innovation - two qualities that are still associated with Rolex today.

Almost two decades after its founding, the company moved from London to Geneva, where the Rolex headquarters are still located today. In the meantime, it became increasingly clear that Hans Wilsdorf had "backed the right horse". The wristwatch developed from a slow-selling item that was viewed with skepticism by the general public and perceived as unmanly, into a sought-after accessory for women and men of the world. The courage to take risks that Hans Wilsdorf had clearly demonstrated paid off and the breathtaking rise of the Rolex brand gained momentum.


Rolex Uhren mittendrin: Meilensteine und denkwürdige Ereignisse

Der Weg, der das Unternehmen Rolex vom kleinen Betrieb hin zum Weltkonzern führte, war gesäumt von allerhand wahrlich denkwürdigen Ereignissen und Meilensteinen, die die Marke geprägt haben. Unternehmen wir eine kleine Reise und besuchen die wichtigsten Orte des Geschehens. Erster Halt: Genf im Jahr 1926. Wilsdorf gelingt es, eines der großen Defizite der populärer werdenden Armbanduhren zu beseitigen und sie damit belastbarer und alltagstauglicher zu machen. Mit der Oyster bringt er die erste wasser- und staubdichte Uhr auf den Markt, deren Robustheit 1927 auf eine ganz besondere Probe gestellt wird. Die Schwimmerin Mercedes Gleitze begibt sich mit der Oyster am Körper in die Fluten des Ärmelkanals, um diesen zu durchschwimmen. Gleitze muss zwar kapitulieren, doch die Rolex Oyster triumphiert und funktioniert trotz intensivem, rund zehnstündigen Wellenbad einwandfrei.

Auf den Spuren der erfolgreichen Uhrenmarke begeben wir uns als nächstes ins Jahr 1931, in dem Rolex wieder ein Novum veröffentlicht: den ersten Perpetual-Rotor als Selbstaufzugsmechanismus. Während diese Entwicklung hauptsächlich auf rein technischer Ebene verblüfft, findet Rolex 1933 und 1935 aufgrund von Geschehnissen, die auch den Laien ins Staunen versetzen, in die Schlagzeilen. Zuerst ist die Rolex Oyster beim Überflug des Mount Everests dabei, zwei Jahre darauf leistet sie dem Rennfahrer Sir Malcolm Campbell beim Aufstellen eines neuen Geschwindigkeitsrekords Gesellschaft.

Wir machen einen kleinen Zeitsprung und setzen unsere Reise im Jahr 1953 in luftigen Höhen fort. Sir Edmund Hillary und Tensing Norgay besteigen den Gipfel des Mount Everest und haben dabei Oyster Perpetual Uhren an ihrer Seite. Im selben Jahr beweist Rolex mit der bis 100 Meter wasserdichten Submariner, dass die Uhren der Marke nicht "nur" auf Expeditionen hoch hinaus, sondern auch auf Tauchgängen weit unter die Meeresoberfläche hinunter zuverlässige Begleiter sind. Allerdings müssen wir uns nicht allzu weit auf dem Zeitstrahl bewegen, um festzustellen, dass Rolex sich in Sachen Wasserdichtheit schnell selbst toppt. 1960 taucht eine Rolex Deep Sea Special außen an der Trieste befestigt über 10.000 Meter den Mariannengraben hinab, nur um völlig intakt wieder aufzutauchen.

Die letzte Etappe unserer Zeitreise, die natürlich nur einige der insgesamt schier unzähligen wichtigen Ereignisse aus der Geschichte von Rolex aufgreift, zeigt auf, dass man nicht zwingend zurück ins letzte Jahrhundert blicken muss, um anschauliche Beispiele für den Pioniergeist des Schweizer Uhrenherstellers zu finden. 2013 präsentiert Rolex die zweifarbigen Cerachrom-Lünette aus Keramik und schafft es damit wieder einmal, die Uhrenszene mit einer beeindruckenden Neuheit zu begeistern.

Modell Preis (ca.) Wertentwicklung 2021 bis 2024
Day-Date 40 149,900 € + 14 %
Cosmograph Daytona 115,900 € + 5 %
Day-Date 40 83,900 € + 7 %
Sky Dweller 62,990 € + 19 %
Yachtmaster 54,990 € + 16 %
GMT Master II 51,990 € + 9 %

Die Rolex Armbanduhr als Statussymbol, Sammlerstück und Wertanlage

Was vor über hundert Jahren als kleiner Betrieb in London begann, hat sich über die Jahre und Jahrzehnte zur Königin der Uhrenmarken entwickelt. Wer heute über Luxusuhren spricht, nennt immer auch den Namen Rolex, und es gibt kaum einen Uhrenliebhaber, der nicht davon träumt, das ein oder andere exquisite Stück aus der Schweiz sein Eigen nennen zu können. Jede Rolex Armbanduhr ist das Produkt einer Erfolgsgeschichte, die ihresgleichen sucht, und repräsentiert Ehrgeiz, Erfolg und Prestige. Entsprechend gelten Rolex Uhren als starke Statussymbole, als Accessoires, die keinen Zweifel am guten Geschmack ihres Trägers lassen, als wertstabile Anlageoption und als "Must-have", das jede Sammlung bereichert.

Beliebte Rolex Kollektionen im Kurzportrait

Wer schon einmal eine Rolex Uhr gekauft hat, weiß: Die Wahl fällt unter Umständen schwer. Denn das Sortiment, das der Uhrenhersteller anzubieten hat, erstreckt sich über zahlreiche Kollektionen. Jede von ihnen bringt ihren jeweils ganz eigenen Charakter zum Ausdruck, ohne dabei vom Kern dessen, was Rolex Uhren auszeichnet, abzuweichen: Qualität, Zuverlässigkeit und Ästhetik. Die Uhren, deren Wurzeln zur ursprünglichen Oyster zurückgehen und deren Funktion auf den einst innovativen Perpetual-Aufzug fußt, bedienen dank ihrer Vielfalt verschiedene Idealvorstellungen und sind dennoch stets klar als Rolex zu erkennen - nicht nur anhand der Krone.

Airking: The Rolex Pilot's Model

Airking: The Rolex Pilot's Model

Made to stand out: The Rolex Airking may seem inconspicuous at first, but only if you give it a cursory glance. If you take a closer look at the stainless steel model, you will quickly discover details that give the pilot's watch that special something. For example, there are the enlarged digits 3, 6 and 9, the "Rolex green" second hand and the jet black dial on which the white minute scale stands out in contrast. Like some Rolex models, the Airking is coated in places with so-called Chromalight luminous material, so that the hands and digits can be seen in razor-sharp detail even in the dark. The mechanical movement Caliber 3230 that keeps the Airking running is an in-house movement of the brand, which is also impressive due to its insensitivity to shocks and its 70-hour power reserve.

In short: The Airking series offers high-performance watches that are made for the requirements of aviation, but of course they don't just cut a fine figure in the cockpit of an aircraft.

Cosmograph Daytona: Top speed meets highest precision

Cosmograph Daytona: Top speed meets highest precision

Available since 1963: The Cosmograph Daytona has been continuously optimized, trimmed for performance and refined down to the smallest detail. The watch's distinguishing feature is five circles that run like a common thread through its visual appearance. The bezel, minute track and the three totalizers form a symmetrical quintet, which immediately places the Cosmograph Daytona models in the sports category. In concrete terms, the watches are at home on the racetrack: whenever new top speeds are reached, the Cosmograph Daytona is in its element. The sportiness goes hand in hand with an unmistakable elegance, especially in the diamond-set models, such as the white gold Ref. 116519LN or the yellow gold and stainless steel version (Ref. 116503). The visual ratio of sportiness to elegance varies from reference to reference. If you think of the "Paul Newman" Daytona with a white dial and black totalizers, for example, the sporting influence is clearly predominant. The precision of this legendary Rolex watch, which is essential for use in racing, is evident. In the end, almost everyone should be able to find a Rolex Daytona that suits their individual taste.

Datejust: The noble classic for women and men

Datejust: The noble classic for women and men

The Datejust collection includes stylish watches for him and her that can be worn both in everyday life and on special occasions. Equipped with a date display at the 3 o'clock point, the Datejust has nothing to hide when it comes to functionality. On the outside, however, it is elegantly understated and - apart from deliberately placed diamonds in individual versions - discreet. The dials, which are available in attractive colors, are all the more striking. If you look at mother-of-pearl dials in bicolor models made of yellow gold and stainless steel or a white gold Datejust men's watch with a black dial, you can only come to the conclusion that you are dealing with real classics that will probably never go out of date. Of course, it is worth talking not only about the design, but also about the "inner values" of the Datejust: The caliber 3235 has a 70-hour power reserve and ensures that the Datejust watches, which are water-resistant to 100 meters, leave little to be desired. At HORANDO you can currently find Datejust 31 , Datejust 36 and Datejust 41 models.

Day-Date: As valuable as time itself

Day-Date: As valuable as time itself

Whether it's the Day-Date 40 in yellow gold with a deep green dial (Ref. 128238), the blue-heavy, unusual Tridor version (Ref. 18239) or the elegant rose gold combined with silver-gray elements (Ref. 128345RBR): every version of the Rolex Day-Date is an exquisite composition of finely coordinated color components that are brought together by a bezel that is either fluted or diamond-set. The watch, which the manufacturer describes as "international, universal and personal", has a date and a display window that shows the full day of the week. The latter is a rarity that makes the Rolex Day-Date with its striking Roman numerals an eye-catcher. If you take a closer look at the day of the week display and the options it offers, you can see what Rolex means by the term "international". The day of the week lettering can be displayed in several languages ​​or alphabets from different cultures around the world, for example in German, Japanese, Hebrew or Cyrillic. This is just one of many details that make the Rolex Day-Date models, known as "presidential watches", so interesting.

Deepsea: Up to any stress test

Deepsea: Up to any stress test

More water resistance is not possible: The Rolex Deepsea Challenge, which was launched in 2022, can withstand depths of up to 11,000 meters and is therefore much more waterproof than it would have to be for most wearers from a purely practical point of view. After all, not every watch fan who chooses this luxury watch regularly goes diving into the depths of the sea. Nevertheless, just knowing that the watch is so robust has its appeal. This is no less true for the "little sister" of the Deepsea Challenge, which is simply called the Rolex Deepsea, has been available since 2008 and can at least take part in underwater missions up to 3,900 meters deep. Both models are certainly not for the "average consumer", but they arouse the interest of collectors who are specifically looking for an exceptional Rolex that not everyone has.

Explorer I & II: Off to Adventure

Explorer I & II: Off to Adventure

As descendants of the watch that conquered Mount Everest with Sir Edmund Hillary, the Rolex Explorer I and II models rightly have the reputation of being watches for real adventurers and daring explorers. Despite having the same name, Explorer I and II differ from each other in a few ways. For example, the Rolex Explorer I, released in 1953, has just three hands, while the Explorer II, introduced in 1971, has a 24-hour hand. This hand makes it possible to distinguish between day and night even in places where no sunlight penetrates. The one and two hour models do not have a date or other additional complications, but shine with excellent readability, which is guaranteed even under the most adverse conditions. In order to properly admire the elegant design of the watches, which are sometimes made of stainless steel and in a yellow gold and stainless steel combination, it is still advisable to look at the watch in daylight every now and then.

GMT-Master II: “Pepsi”, “Batman”, “Smurf” and Co.

GMT-Master II: “Pepsi”, “Batman”, “Smurf” and Co.

The GMT-Master II models, which follow in the footsteps of the earlier GMT-Master reference 1675, are known for their friendly nicknames such as " Pepsi ", " Batman " or "Sprite". The catchy nicknames come from the colors of the models' ceramic bezels. The scratch-resistant two-tone Cerachrom bezels in blue and red ("Pepsi"), bright blue (" Smurf "), green-black ("Sprite"), black-blue ("Batman") and similarly extravagant colors act as effective eye-catchers and give the watches a certain recognition value. Despite the striking color of the bezel, the black dial of the GMT-Master II does not get lost. On the contrary: the ceramic bezel, dial, hands and indices form a particularly harmonious whole in this model and are extremely pleasing to the eye. On a functional level, the Rolex GMT-Master II watches offer a jumping date display, a second time zone and a stop-second function. These complications are made possible by the 3285 caliber manufacture movement.

Milgauss: A Science in Itself

Milgauss: A Science in Itself

The Milgauss is one of the watches from the luxury watch brand that you don't necessarily immediately think of when you hear the name Rolex. The first things that come to mind are typically the big sellers, such as the Rolex Daytona, the Rolex GMT-Master II, the Rolex Submariner or the Datejust. However, the Milgauss becomes a topic of conversation when it comes to Rolex watches with exceptional properties. The watch, whose original target group includes scientists, engineers and researchers, is far more resistant to magnetic fields than average. In detail, this means that its accuracy remains completely unaffected by up to 1,000 gauss. In keeping with this, the second hand on this model is shaped like a lightning bolt and is also bright orange, which makes it doubly eye-catching.

Oyster Perpetual: The Legacy of the Rolex Brand

Oyster Perpetual: The Legacy of the Rolex Brand

If one had to name a Rolex watch that particularly represents the brand, the Rolex Oyster Perpetual would definitely be an understandable choice. It combines the Oyster case, with which Rolex once succeeded in producing the first waterproof and dustproof wristwatch, with the Perpetual rotor, which is also firmly interwoven with Rolex history, in its name. Even though the Rolex Oyster Perpetual is constantly being adapted to the "spirit of the times" with slightly modified designs and fresh colors for the dial, it is and remains the Rolex classic par excellence. Whether you prefer the tried and tested Oyster Perpetual Vintage models made of stainless steel with a single-coloured dial or are tempted to buy a more extravagant model – for example with a champagne-coloured, diamond-set dial (Ref. 126233) or with a colourful "Celebration pattern" (Ref. 126000) – is ultimately a question of personal taste. The Rolex Oyster Perpetual is one thing in any case: an exquisite men's and women's watch that demonstrates a sense of style and an eye for classical beauty.

At HORANDO you can currently find the Oyster Perpetual 34 , Oyster Perpetual 36 and Oyster Perpetual 39 .

Sea-Dweller: diving watch with helium valve

Sea-Dweller: diving watch with helium valve

The Rolex Sea Dweller is the third in the group of diving watches to join the Deepsea and Deepsea Challenge. With a diameter of 43 millimeters, the Sea-Dweller is comparatively large without appearing bulky or unwieldy. The stainless steel Rolex watch comes standard with an Oyster bracelet and a dial in plain black, framed by a black Cerachrom bezel with 60-minute graduations. The combination of black, stainless steel, luminous indices and platinum-plated numerals gives the model a timelessly chic look. Underneath the beautiful surface is a caliber 3235 manufacture movement that does its job perfectly even at depths of over 1,200 meters. Another plus point of the Sea-Dweller watches: They are equipped with a helium valve, which means that professional divers can wear them even when their work takes them into decompression chambers.

Sky-Dweller: Sophisticated complications for globetrotters

Sky-Dweller: Sophisticated complications for globetrotters

If you don't dive but regularly fly around the world, you should opt for the Rolex Sky Dweller instead of the Sea-Dweller. This watch has so much innovative technology that its makers registered 14 patents. With an annual calendar, second time zone and date, the Sky-Dweller has all kinds of useful complications for globetrotters and frequent flyers on board. In addition, the Rolex watch, which is worn on a metal or rubber strap depending on the model, is protected against electromagnetic influences and impresses with the way its functions are displayed and handled. Thanks to its well thought-out structure, the Sky-Dweller is amazingly easy to use despite its wide range of functions. So you don't necessarily need specialist knowledge to get to grips with the sophisticated Rolex pilot's watch. Of course, the design is extremely successful, and not just in terms of the user-friendliness of the Rolex watches. The luxury watches also have an interesting look and look like the highest level of craftsmanship throughout.

Submariner: The epitome of a Rolex diving watch

Submariner: The epitome of a Rolex diving watch

If you want to immerse yourself in the fascination of diving watches, a Rolex Submariner is the best choice. Logical, after all, the Submariner is the "original diving watch" from Rolex. It was born long before the Deepsea models, attracted countless imitators and influenced entire generations of diving watches from other watch manufacturers. Its water resistance up to 300 meters seems low compared to the Deepsea Challenge and similar giants of the deep sea, but is more than sufficient for the intended use of most watch lovers. A Rolex Submariner model can be recognized by the fluted rotating Cerachrom bezel, the geometrically shaped indices and the straight "Submariner" lettering, which blends inconspicuously into the dial. Overall, the Rolex Submariner represents a virtually symbiotic interaction of innovation and tradition. While the design is strongly reminiscent of the traditional Rolex Submariner of the 1950s, modern elements, such as the Chromalight luminous coatings, make the diver's models casually modern and suitable for everyday use.

Yacht-Master: The Rolex Regatta Chronograph

Yacht-Master: The Rolex Regatta Chronograph

Fancy a bit of maritime flair? The Rolex Yacht-Master and Yacht-Master II models originate from sailing, a sport that the Rolex brand has been close to since the middle of the last century. Made to help sailors win competitions, the Yacht-Master and Yacht-Master II feature a flexibly adjustable countdown with mechanical storage and a bezel with 60-minute graduations that can be rotated in both directions. These functions enable a well-timed start to a regatta and the quick reading of precise sailing times. The Yacht-Master wristwatch, which is traditionally made of stainless steel, was extensively developed further in 2023. The result is a model made of the brand new material titanium RLX. This is an extremely dense titanium alloy with a pleasantly low weight.

Good reasons: Buy original Rolex watches at Horando

Whether Rolex Oyster Perpetual, Yacht-Master, Sky-Dweller, Day-Date or Datejust: Ultimately, every Rolex watch is something very special in its own way. All "models with a crown" are authentic pieces of jewelry that reflect the highest art of watchmaking. We can therefore more than understand every watch lover who can't have enough Rolex watches. That's why we have made it our mission to help our customers find their dream watches - including Rolex ones. These good reasons make Horando the top place to go for buying Rolex watches:



Huge selection: Discover a wide range of models

Huge selection: Discover a wide range of models

Horando always has over 4,000 timepieces from different brands for sale. The range is constantly changing and expanding, meaning there are always new products to discover. Rolex is particularly well represented in our online shop: the wide selection includes both well-preserved Rolex vintage watches and newer models from the watch brand. If you want to buy a Rolex ladies' or men's watch at a fair price, Horando is the right place for you.

Easy purchase with guarantee: original and authenticated watches

Easy purchase with guarantee: original and authenticated watches

Every jeweler and industry expert knows: It is essential to purchase Rolex watches from reputable suppliers and check them for authenticity. It is not uncommon for fraudsters to try their luck by selling one or another fake luxury watch. For the layman, good fakes of a Rolex GMT-Master II, Datejust, Day-Date or other popular Rolex timepieces are sometimes not so easy to distinguish from an original. Fortunately, at Horando you don't have to worry about that: every single Rolex we offer is guaranteed to be genuine. New models come with a manufacturer's guarantee directly from the dealer, used watches are checked and certified by our skilled watchmakers. With all the watches that appear in the shop, you can therefore be sure that you are dealing with guaranteed authentic originals.

Value for money: luxury watches at convincing prices

Value for money: luxury watches at convincing prices

A luxury watch from the Rolex brand naturally has its price. The models that are in high demand, such as the popular Rolex Daytona or GMT-Master II, are often offered on the secondary market at horrendous prices that are far above the list price. At Horando, we strive to offer our customers the Rolex watch they want at a fair price. Since we - unlike many specialist retailers - are not bound by manufacturer specifications, we can set prices lower than usual in many cases.

Convenient: Various payment options and financing

Convenient: Various payment options and financing

It is important to us to give our customers an all-round comfortable shopping experience at Horando. This includes offering various payment options, including payment by credit card, advance payment or via PayPal. Installment payments and financing are also possible.

Risk-free: Free (return) shipping and 14-day right of return

Risk-free: Free (return) shipping and 14-day right of return

After the purchase has been completed, we ensure that the Rolex is on its way to its new owner as quickly as possible. Shipping is of course insured and there are no additional costs for the buyer for deliveries within Germany. If the customer changes their mind and wants to return the Rolex, this can also be done with little effort, and we grant every customer a 14-day right of return with free, insured return shipping.

Flexible: Buy Rolex watch online, pick up in store

Flexible: Buy Rolex watch online, pick up in store

We want to make buying a watch as easy and flexible as possible. Watch lovers can also pick up their dream watch from our store if they wish.

Watchfinder: Find your new favorite watch without a waiting list

Watchfinder: Find your new favorite watch without a waiting list

If you are looking for a specific model that is not currently available in our shop, you can contact us via the Watchfinder. All you have to do is fill out a form with important information about the men's or women's watch you are looking for. We get to work in the background and use our international network of wholesalers and distributors to find the model you are looking for at the best possible conditions and with the shortest delivery times. We will get back to you within 24 hours with information and, in the best case, a convincing offer for the watch you want.

Turning old into new: Trade-in of used models

Turning old into new: Trade-in of used models

When the new Oyster Perpetual, Yacht-Master or Datejust arrives, can another watch leave your personal collection? Then our trade-in option is the answer. We buy used models and can offset the price directly against the purchase of a new timepiece.

Personal contact: Contact us around the clock

Personal contact: Contact us around the clock

If you have any questions, are unclear or would like individual advice, our customer service is happy to help. So that our customers can feel that they are in good hands and well looked after at Horando at all times, they can contact us by email around the clock. We can also be reached reliably by phone on weekdays between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Rolex: Armbanduhren, die Qualität und Luxus die Krone aufsetzen

Als eine der weltweit erfolgreichsten Uhrenmarken ist Rolex ein Unternehmen, das Innovationsgeist, Ideenreichtum und feinste Handwerkskunst in sich vereint und damit Maßstäbe setzt, die die gesamte Branche beeinflussen. Eine originale "Uhr mit Krone" ist ein Meisterwerk der Haute Horlogerie und für viele Sammler und Investoren der Inbegriff purer Wertigkeit. Die Preise, die für einen Rolex Klassiker, begehrte Vintage Modelle oder Neuheiten aufgerufen werden, mögen es in sich haben, spiegeln jedoch auch den Wert, der einer Uhr alleine schon durch den Namen Rolex verliehen wird, wider. Immerhin ist eines unumstritten: Von Rolex Daytona über Day-Date und Oyster Perpetual bis hin zu Lady-Datejust setzen Zeitmesser von Rolex Luxus und Qualität die Krone auf.

Weitere Rolex Kategorien bei HORANDO:
Date, Starbucks, Wimbledon, Rootbeer, Batgirl, Damen, Tiffany, Bicolor, Diamant, Edelstahl, Gold, Platin, Second Hand