
Returns within / outside the European Union (EU)

As a consumer, you can cancel your order and return the ordered products within 14 days of receiving the goods. Your cancellation does not need to include a reason. We will refund the purchase price you have already paid immediately after receiving your return. Depending on the payment method, you will receive the refund amount in the form of a credit to your account. The complete cancellation policy with precise information on the start of the cancellation period and the consequences of cancellation within the meaning of Section 13 of the German Civil Code can be found in our cancellation policy. If you have any questions or need further information on the return process, please contact our customer service (Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.). Please use the sample cancellation form on our website. Use the original packaging for the return. Please also fill out the returns and exchange form and enclose it with your return. The return will be made at our expense and risk if the above points are observed.

Horando Deutschland GmbH is not responsible for items that are not returned in the manner described above.

repayment periods

We will refund the purchase price you have already paid immediately after receiving your return and after the obligatory inspection of the goods. Depending on the payment method, you will receive the refund amount in the form of a credit to your account (prepayment or instant transfer) or to your credit card account (credit card). Please understand that for security reasons we cannot transfer money back to other accounts or credit cards. If possible, the refund amount will be transferred back on the same day, but no later than the following working day. Please note that there may be delays in bank transfers due to different credit institutions.

jurisdiction for reimbursement

Please note that in the event of a return, Horando is not responsible for refunding any additional customs duties, import sales tax or other processing fees that may be incurred. You can request a refund from your local authorities by presenting the relevant return, purchase and fee receipts.

exchange rate fluctuations

All payments and credits are processed in the currency underlying the purchase (EUR). Refunds are made in the same currency as the purchase. Horando accepts no liability for differences resulting from exchange rate fluctuations. Any losses due to currency fluctuations will not be reimbursed.